Wildlife and pests can be a nuisance if they’re in your home. They also pose some risks to your health and dwelling. Here are some of the most common risks that you might face if you have nuisance wildlife in your home.
When you think about wildlife in your home, you probably don’t think about house fires. The truth is that animals can be a fire hazard. A lot of rodents will gnaw on electrical wires and through your furniture. They may do this to create their nests. When they chew through your electrical wires, you may wind up with serious fire hazards. Most homeowners insurance will not cover fire loos from rodent damage as most consider it neglect of the property.

quirrels, rats, and other rodents can carry parasites. If they’ve set up camp around your home somewhere they will also likely bring these parasites in and infect your pets or leave them lurking around your home. You must take precautions to protect yourself and others living with you. Mice – which are more common to have occasionally in the home, also carry fleas and lice so being vigilant about keeping them out is critical.
Contamination can be a problem if rodents and wildlife are in your home. The issue is that once these tiny animals get all over your things – they’ll leave behind debris. If you have them in your kitchen, in your bedrooms, and throughout the house – you’ll need to start looking closely to see their presence. Things like droppings or pieces of chewing could be left behind. Often, major pest extermination can end up contaminating food, and can even spread disease and illness.
Speaking of droppings, having these pests in your home, and leaving behind messes from their droppings is dangerous to your health. A lot of these feces harbor dangerous fungi and bacteria that can cause serious harm. Animals like mice or bats leave behind droppings are triggering asthma and spores on bat droppings have the potential to cause lung infections.
Miller’s Rodent & Wildlife Solutions is your full-service animal removal company. We deal with bats, skunks, raccoons, rats, and more. We handle the problem quickly, safely, and humanely. Call or Text today at 941-302-6009!