The winter holidays are mostly behind us, but that doesn’t mean wildlife won’t keep trying to have gatherings in your home. No one wants an infestation. There are ways you can keep mice and rats and other critters out of your home. Let’s explore what you need to do for a pest-free home during the colder season in Florida. And if that doesn’t work, Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions can help!
Here are some of the best ,tried and tested tips to keep critters out of your home during winter:
Keep the House Clean
The first step is to remove all the things from your home that can invite pests. Rodents and mice like cluttered areas that provide them with lots of safe hiding spots. This gives them the ability to move about easily. They also find warmth in the disorder and darkness in attics. It’s why you must keep your home clean and keep the clutter off attic floor.
Vacuum, mop, and clean every inch of your place thoroughly. Remove all the cobwebs from hidden and out of reach spots. Additionally, try not to clutter your home with needless things and throw away the garbage regularly. It might also help to throw away old, deteriorating cardboard storage boxes or anything damaged in storage that pests might easily burrow into and hide.
Remove All Accessible Food
Pests such as mice and rats and squirrels, will likely invade your home to search for something to eat during the winter months. If you tidy up your home and clean up all food spills and crumbs right away, you will remove their food source. Make sure to store dry food, such as nuts, beans, bread, cookies, and pet food, in sealed containers to keep rodents and roaches away.
Seal All Entry Points
If you want to keep a critter-free home in winter, you will need to seal all entry points for rodents and other wildlife. The first step is to inspect your roof, repair damaged areas, and replace missing shingles to keep rats, squirrels, and mice out.
Make sure to check the outside of your home and look out for openings around windows and doors. You might find rotten windowsills, cracks in the siding, poorly caulked frames, or weather stripping in damaged condition. Seal up any visible gaps and cracks to keep rodents out. Sealing such cracks will also help you eliminate entry points for cold air, keeping your energy bills low.
Keep an eye on your vents and cover them with screens to allow air to exit your home but prevent critters from finding their way into your property. A mouse can easily squeeze through a space the size of a pencil, so seal all noticeable cracks to keep critters out of your home. Make sure your porch screen isn’t damaged either.
Trim the Outside Plants & Keep the Gutters Clean
If the outside of your home is cluttered and unclean, it will attract wildlife to your home, increasing the risk of an infestation inside your house. Wildlife love to hide in unkempt bushes, trees, plants, and fallen leaves. It’s important to keep all trees, plants, and bushes a few feet away from your house’s roof and not let them touch your home.
Keep the larger trees away from your roof to ensure that pests don’t climb on your roof and into your home. Make sure to remove all debris and fallen leaves from downspouts and gutters to avoid standing water. Eliminate all yard debris, such as woodpiles, branches, and leaves, so rats and mice cannot hide under it.
Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solution

These are great tips to help keep pests from infesting your home. But if you really want to insure that wildlife like rats and mice aren’t an issue, call or text Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions today at 941-302-6009