Here at Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions we love this time of year. Not only are the temperatures starting to fall in Sarasota Florida and kids are getting excited for Halloween and the abundance of candy in their future, but it is also bat appreciation month and that really excites us!
I am sure you are asking yourself why we would be so excited of bats. While largely misunderstood, bats are an incredible critter and vital to the overall health of our ecosystem. Even if the thought of them taking up residence in you home or attic gives you the creepy-crawlies.
In honor of Bat appreciation month, we want to give you some fun facts about these winged mammals.
1. Not a fan of mosquitoes? Bats are! In fact, they love them so much just on bat can consume up to their body weight in just one night.
2. Bats can live a long life! Some species can live up to thirty years.
3. There are more than 1,300 species of bats around the world, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica due to the freezing temperatures there.
4. As the only mammal capable of sustaining flight, they are incredibly intelligent and social animals. Bats do everything other mammals do, just upside-down.
Now that you have the facts and can see why we appreciate them; we want you to know we agree that they still do not have a place roosting in your home or attic. While they are amazing mammals, they can still cause some dangerous health problems in humans like Histoplasmosis

. This is an infection caused by a fungus called Histoplasma. The fungus lives in the environment, particularly in soil that contains large amounts bat droppings called guano.
If you find yourself sharing your home with bats and need bat removal call an expert like Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions to humanly evict them from your Sarasota Florida home. As a federally protected mammal it is important to rely on the knowledge of a trained and licensed animal removal company.
Give Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions a call today at 941-302-6009 to set up your inspection.