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Raccoons Active During the Daytime in Sarasota, Florida | Why Is That?

Writer's picture: millerswildlifesermillerswildlifeser

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are mostly active during the night. There are situations, however, in which there would be raccoons active during the daytime. The popular myth is that raccoons which are active during daylight must be sick with rabies. This is untrue for the most part, but you should still monitor the activity of any invading or nearby raccoons to ensure they don’t pose a threat. Rabid raccoons will act noticeably bizarre. Drooling or foaming at the mouth, loss of leg function, lethargy, or heightened aggressiveness are common symptoms of a rabid raccoon. Furthermore, they seem to be unaware of potential predators and are not easily scared away like normal, healthy raccoons would be.

If you notice raccoon activity on your property (strange or otherwise), call Miller’s Wildlife Services at 941-302-6009 for expert raccoon removal service!

3 Reasons Why Raccoons May Be Active During the Day

There are several reasons why there would be raccoons active during the daytime. Below are three plausible situations which would spur raccoon activity during the lighter hours:

1. There is a food source readily available. It can be hard in many areas for raccoons to find enough food to eat. In the event a food source becomes available (nearby restaurants, unsecured trash cans, ect...) , raccoons may pursue it even during times they are usually less active.

2. Something scared them out of their resting place. Raccoons fear humans and aggressive pets like dogs, so it is no surprise they will run away when they feel threatened. If they encounter a human or pet in their vicinity, they will most likely relocate until some time has passed. During the day, a raccoon may be awoken by voices, barking, or other indicators that a threat is present. This could cause them to wander in search of a new place to rest during the daytime.

3. The raccoon is a mother which has recently given birth. A mother raccoon can have their schedule messed up when nursing, causing them to look for food during their usual inactive hours.

Should I Be Concerned About Raccoons Out During the Day?

In general, there is no reason to be concerned about raccoon activity during the daytime. They most likely do not have rabies or any other disease that would cause abnormal behavior. It is most plausible that the raccoons are simply looking for something to eat or a safe place to rest. That said, your property is no place to allow raccoons to stay. If you have raccoons in your area, call Sarasota, Florida’s Miller’s Wildlife Services at 941-302-6009 for professional raccoon removal service!



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