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Sarasota, Florida End of Season Bat Prevention

Writer's picture: millerswildlifesermillerswildlifeser

Bats give birth in late spring and early summer. Their babies ( called pups) need a safe place to live when they’re young and not yet able to fly. Mothers often seek shelter inside attics, under dormers and even behind shutters, because they are warm and safe places. Bats can leave behind waste and can carry rabies, which is why homeowners who discover bats in their attic are usually eager to get them out as quickly as possible.


If you have recently discovered that bats have taken up residence in your attic or any part of your home, your first inclination may be to get rid of them right away and seal off any gaps to keep the bats from getting back in. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

If you seal off your attic before the pups can fly, they will get trapped inside. Pups can die without their mother. If that happens, you will have to deal with decomposition and the foul odor associated with it. Pups that are trapped might try to escape and wind up in your living areas, where they can cause damage and possibly bite someone. A mother bat might damage your house frantically looking for a way to get back to her pups.


You need to wait for the appropriate time to act to prevent a future bat problem. Around the middle of August, bats look for a place to live during the winter. That’s the best time to seal off entry points. In Sarasota Florida and the rest of the country, bats are a federally protected species. This means that from April 14th to August 15th, you can not disturb them including relocating them. Once the pup season is over, a one-way door or funnel can allow the bats to leave your attic on their own and prevent them from returning.

Before that, stand outside your home at night so you can observe the bats as they come and go. That will give you an opportunity to see exactly where their entry and exit points are. Then, once the bats have left, you’ll be able to seal off those gaps and keep other bats from getting into your attic in the future.


If you need help excluding bats with a one-way door/funnel or finding and sealing off the entry and exit points that they used to get into your attic, contact Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions. Our years of training and experienced gives us the knowledge and know how to best handle a bat problem of any size.

We can figure out how bats got into your house and seal off their entry points, so you won’t have to worry about a repeat of the same problem next year. Call or text Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions today at 941-302-6009 to learn more or schedule your inspection and estimate.



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