Rodents and Wildlife can cause significant and widespread damage to a home or commercial office building. They may chew or gnaw at siding and roofing materials to create large enough holes to enter. Once inside, they may chew on drywall, insulation and other building materials. Some types of animals, such as rats, have been known to gnaw on electrical wires, which can start a fire.
Rodents and Wildlife can leave waste behind such as urine, feces and even afterbirth, that can create a foul stench and can spread throughout the entire home or office making life unpleasant or unbearable for people who live and work there. Waste can also pose a health hazard. In some cases, it can spread serious diseases that can infect both humans and pets.
Another real danger that is offten overlooked is a wild animal that feels threatened may attack a person or pet that crosses paths with it. A bite or scratch can cause serious physical damage and may also spread rabies or another serious illness.
Homeowners and business owners alike are often shocked by how destructive rodents and wildlife can be in their homes and office buildings. If you suspect that some type of animal has taken up residence in your property, you should act quickly to take care of the problem, minimize the damage, and protect your interests from harm.
Don’t try to trap a wild animal or chase it out. It may bite or scratch you, and you may wind up with serious injuries and expensive medical bills. The animal may also cause more damage to your property if it panics and tries to get away from you.
Instead, contact Miller’s Rodent and Wildlife Solutions. Our professional and humane approach can get rid your home or business of rats, squirrels, raccoons, bats, opossums, and other types of animals and keep them from returning.
We have the tools and training necessary to safely exclude a wild animal and keep anyone from getting hurt. We can relocate the animal and then find the entry point that it used to get into the house or office and any potential points of entry. Miller’s Wildlife Services can make repairs and seal off gaps to keep other animals from getting into your home or office so you won’t have to worry about encountering the same problem again.
Call or Text Miller’s Rodent Wildlife Solutions at 941-302-6009 today to request an inspection for rodent or wildlife mitigation.